On Saturday 20 April at 7.00 pm at the Museo Diocesano Arborense in Oristano, the solo exhibition TILIGUERTA by the hyperrealist artist Tiziana Sanna will be inaugurated.
The exhibition is the result of a long research work on the typical and endemic fauna species of Sardinia, which the artist has been carrying out for several years, in contact with the main bodies that deal with the protection and preservation of wildlife: he has consulted various texts, studied the various species and their characteristics, found a large amount of images, She visited protected areas, forests, natural habitats, institutions, natural science museums and brought back to the canvas the subjects that most struck her for their characteristics.
The aim of this project is the development of greater sensitivity towards the protection of the Sardinian ecosystem, the knowledge and protection of endangered wildlife species, and the protection of biodiversity.
Behind the realistic representation of each subject there is a meaning, a deeper message: it is not a simple imitation of nature, it is contemplation, celebration, an invitation to reflect on the precariousness of the life of these extraordinary species and on the measures to be taken to avoid their disappearance.
Tiziana Sanna leads the visitor on a wonderful journey into nature, in the woods of Sardinia, to discover the most fascinating and perhaps least known endemisms of the regional territory, the result of millennia of biogeographical isolation of the island. The large size of the canvases, the technique of hyperrealism, the shots that enlarge the muzzle and focus attention on the gaze, give the viewer the impression of really being in front of the animal, of watching it come out of the canvas and establish contact.
The exhibition has the patronage of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, WWF ITALY, LIPU Sardinia, the Regional Network for the Conservation of Marine Fauna, CReS (Sinis Recovery Center), CRTM (Cetacean and Sea Turtle Recovery Center Laguna di Nora), and the Bartoli Felter Foundation of Cagliari.
TILIGUERTA has already made its debut in 2020 in the Temporary Storing Space of the Bartoli Felter Foundation in Cagliari and in 2023 at Cagliari airport in the spaces of the Cagliari Airport Library.
Eight unpublished paintings will be exhibited for the first time at the Arborense Diocesan Museum.
The curator writes:
Il ragno nuragico, il gatto selvatico, il pastore fonnese. ritratti, in compagnia dei loro simili, nelle tele di Tiziana Sanna come in una (bestiale) galleria degli avi. Primi piani sullo sguardo del gufo e sui palchi ramificati del Cervus, in un repertorio che rende onore alle specie endemiche della Sardegna. Assurti al grado di soggetti pittorici, la rana, la volpe, gli asinelli albini occupano interamente gli sfondi di una quadreria che ricorda le pose auliche dei principi e dei monsignori. Personaggi eminenti che ai pennelli chiedevano l’immortalità e volevano essere ricordati ai posteri nella gloria delle loro insegne. Tiziana Sanna è andata a cercare nei testi i nomi scientifici di questi strani animali nati in un’isola e per questo speciali. Più piccoli dei loro colleghi oltre mare e in qualche caso unici. Con abile realismo, l’artista ne riproduce i corpi e i caratteri, collocando però queste antichissime creature in uno spazio neutro per niente mimetico.
Alessandra Menesini