Solo Exhibition "In to the Wild" of the artist Tiziana Sanna at Palazzo Doglio in Cagliari with the special visit of the art critic and historian Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi - Settembre 2021
The paintings of the exhibition "Into the wild" have as their main source of inspiration the wild nature. Wild represents an uncontaminated world, that the artist caught in the deepest instinctuality.
The animals of Tiziana Sanna live free, in the natural state and most of them are at risk of extinction, they are species of which today there are very few specimens such as tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, panda, rhinos, elephants.
Behind the realistic representation of each subject hides a meaning, a deeper message: the search for precision, meticulousness, attention to detail, are not mere photographic reproductions, but they reveal the profound respect that the artist has for nature, for these wonderful creatures, with which it comes into integral contact, in an authentic, pure and respectful way. It is not an imitation of nature, it is contemplation and celebration.
Tiziana Sanna was born as a portraitist, the exploration of the self is the basis of her research: "At the beginning of my artistic production I concentrated on the human portrait, I wanted to investigate the range of emotions and moods, the temperament and in every face I reflected myself. But it is in the passage to the portraits of animals that I found my true essence, my most authentic, free and uncontaminated part. All the creatures that harbor inside me came out and every time I paint them magic happens: I transform myself into each of them ”.
In his paintings she looks for shots that enlarge the animal's face, and focuses attention on the gaze, the mirror of the soul: the goal is that the viewer really has the impression of being in front of the animal, which is decontextualized by the its habitat and placed in an unreal space.
The artist moved from the conviction that the canvas is like a mirror, which painting you travel into a dimension where there is only emotion and instinct, the artist creates the series of paintings on mirrored slabs: in every work the viewer can reflect , Identify, recognize yourself in a subject rather than in another, driven by emotions that come from the primordial unconscious, exactly as happens to the artist during the phases of creation.

You can look at the photos of the exhibition at this link:
You can look at the video of the exhibition at this link: